Assessment and Admissions

Central to our remit is to work closely with our local authority and health colleagues to make sure we provide services that meet – and exceed – their expectations. And while our priority is always to do what is best for the people they refer to us, we also strive to demonstrate best value when it comes to managing available budgets and resources.

Part of a partnership
London & Surrey Care Group collaborates with commissioners, heads of service, team managers, social workers and safeguarding authorities. We work in partnership with schools and colleges, making sure our services remain current and relevant.

As well as the many professionals we work with, we particularly welcome the input and support of parents, families and carers. Our goal is always to keep them well-informed so that they, in turn, can play a full and inclusive role in the support of our people.

We welcome enquiries
While we only accept referrals and undertake assessments for Social Services and Health Teams, we welcome enquiries from parents, advocates, schools and colleges. We can provide preliminary advice on a person’s possible suitability for a place and explain the kind of services we provide. Visits to our services can also be arranged.

Once potential suitability has been agreed, key members of our team will carry out a thorough assessment.

Thorough assessment
To make sure we can meet an individual’s needs and provide the support they require; our Managing Director, along with the Home Manager will meet the individual and observe them in their day-to-day activities, assessing them in different settings, be it at home, at school, in a day service context or at college.

Needs, risks and compatibility are looked at in great detail. Once it is clear that we can provide the support they need, we will prepare a thorough proposal, a fee breakdown and a transition plan for the Local Authority and/or Health Team.

With a tailored support plan in place, our multi-disciplinary team will meet to agree a detailed transition plan. This covers areas as diverse as medication and healthcare, it includes an introduction to the home and the local area, provides help with a host of lifestyle preferences and even room decor. Finally, it sets out staffing arrangements and the appointment of a key worker.

All these arrangements are taken care of, well in advance of moving in. To keep communication simple, we have a single point of contact to make sure all questions are answered.

A record of success
Six weeks in, we will review how the transition has progressed, making sure that the individual is settling in well and that all the various parties are equally happy with the placement and the support we provide.

To date, our team has conducted over 300 referrals and successfully planned and supported all of the individuals selected for admission.

Make a Referral

Please telephone us on 07828 486 827 or complete our online referrals form. We aim to respond to all referrals within 24 hours.